You are here: Partnership > Partners' Area > Share Your Images With Us
As a partner we require images in order to create your website listing with us and to promote you. See our partner benefits here which outlines how many images each level has.
We cannot promote you without visuals. We will provide advice and recommendations as to the best images to use to promote your business. If you do not have professional quality images of your business we can recommend a local photographer who can create a portfolio of images at a very reasonable price. We also use a large number of images on this website, on our social media, in our newsletters and guides, for our PR and to send to the media and are always looking for good quality pictures. Why not send pictures of your business so that we can better promote and represent you in this way? If you have them, you could also send us photos of your town or village or your favourite spot or activity? It helps us, others and can be another source of free advertising.
Forest of Dean and Wye Valley Tourism maintains an image library that is free for all partners to use. You can browse and download files in low resolution or contact us to ask for the high resolution files. Full details on using the library can be found here.
We encourage partners to submit good quality images to the library as well as for us to use to promote you. As well as adding to our stock for the benefit of the area, good images in our library benefits your business in many ways.
Any image for the library needs to be high resolution. Look at the quality of the images so far. We will only load quality images to best market the area. Any modern DSLR set to fine jpeg can produce an image of sufficient quality. Make sure that the image is pin sharp and “camera shake” free. Every high resolution image can be easily re-sized by us for use on social media. But everything starts with a quality product.
Images shot originally on low resolution settings on any camera, phone images and compact and amateur camera images are unlikely to be good enough for print publication (even if they are ok for social media).
When you send in your images don’t re-size them or let your email software do so. If you don’t know what any of these things mean – please just ask. There is a great PR benefit to your business to having good images in the library. If you have such images, you can simply email them to us for quality checking. If they meet the quality standard we will do the rest.
The general rule on copyright is the photographer always owns the copyright. This will only change if you have legally specifically purchased the copyright from the photographer. Do not confuse copyright with licencing. When you employ a photographer it is important to negotiate an “open licence” which allows you to use the images for anything to do with the promotion of your business (standard exclusions are re-sales and competition entries). It will also allow us to include the images in the library and distribute them freely to media and other partners. Unless you provide a waiver to the library, those images cannot be loaded. This is the industry standard and the professional way to progress the library. You should tell us when you submit the images who took them and if a credit is needed.
Q. Can I send pictures in from my phone?
A. Yes, but they may not be of sufficient quality. If you are not sure, send them to us and we will let you know.
Q. What size do they need to be?
A. At least 1920px wide, ideally landscape. Don’t worry if you don't know – just send us the highest quality image that you have and we will do the rest.
Q. I don’t know who took the picture.
A. To avoid infringing someone’s copyright, do not submit the pictures.
Q. The photographer won’t let me send in the pictures.
A. In general the photographer retains to the copyright. To avoid legal problems do not send the pictures.
Further Information
©Visit Dean Wye 2025. All Rights Reserved.
*Visit Dean Wye is the trading name of Forest of Dean & Wye Valley Tourism Limited.